Del Hungerford
Del is a trained classical musician with a doctoral degree in clarinet performance. Her degrees are from the University of Idaho (B.M.), Yale University (M.M.), and the University of Washington (D.M.A.). For several years, she was elementary music and/or band teacher in the public schools, taught at the collegiate level, and played professionally throughout the northwest. There’s also that fun and exciting part of her that enjoys exploration outside of a classical musical career. Life was just about to get exciting in ways not even Del could anticipate!
After leaving an abusive marriage in 2000, a new way of living presented itself to Del. Would she live out of a victim mentality or walk into something new? It took several years to "find herself" but finally at the end of her ropes in 2010 where a strange illness had all but incapacitated her, she began to awaken. On an extremely cold afternoon right before Christmas, she found herself locked out of the house and couldn't get back in until someone came with a key. Crawling into her camper to stay warm, she found a book - a book that was the catalyst to a forever life change.

In Del's words...
I'm writing this 22 years after leaving the abusive marriage. Much has changed since that fateful summer of 2000 after the divorce was finalized. In a sense, I was quite traumatized but didn't even know it because I'd gone into "checkout" mode as some close friends noted. That's probably one reason it took me so long to get over the strange illness, which I write about in my book, But Words Will Never Hurt Me. It was first published in 2009 and then expanded with a new chapter along with a workbook in 2015 after I'd gone through some healing.
In 1999, there wasn't much known about verbal abuse out in the public. The writings that did exist were from counselors. Honestly, I didn't want to read stuff from someone who'd never gone through an abusive situation. I'd seen how that worked during marriage counseling. A lack of what I considered decent resources is what led to me writing my own book. I figured it could help others in a similar situation. I've not publicized the book, nor have I told many others about it. I figured that those who are supposed to find it will do so.
Over the past 22 years, much has changed. Once I realized that I did indeed have a part to play in the abuse, things in my life began to change drastically. What was my part? I agreed with the lies and then made those lies part of my being - spirit, soul, and body. As you'll notice from the many blog posts, I'm a Christian, or I now call "Christ Companion," because I'm not like most modern Christians because I think outside the normal Christian box. For some, that may seem a bit odd but let the fruit speak for itself.
Fast forward to the year 2022 and nothing in my life is the same as it was when I left the marriage. I'm the healthiest I've been since the late 1980's. I feel refreshed and renewed daily as I learn to live life loved as I step into God's unconditional love. I no longer live in a victim mentality and I don't hate my ex-husband. Actually, I never did. God is not a respecter of persons so His love for my ex-husband is no different than it is for me. He loves us all the same, despite our actions.

My music has morphed from the classical style to a spontaneous free-flowing sound that comes from deep within me. Many have found the music healing - spiritually, emotionally, and physically. If you don't know anything about EMDR, I encourage you to read more about that HERE. Music is an amazing healing tool; it's the focus of what I create now. I give sound baths and create personal songs to assist people on a healing journey. Please enjoy some of my recent creations...
Listen to samples of from Del's albums
Sample of "Liquid Love" from Album, Enter In.
Sample of "Love Abounds EMDR" from Album, I AM
Sample of "Healing in the Name" from Bowls Before the Altar