January 13, 2015

The workbook to “But Words Will Never Hurt Me: A Story of Overcoming Abuse” just became available on Kindle! Today’s excerpt is about what comes out of our mouths. What we say, really does matter. Of course, that’s what verbal is abuse is all about. So, why wouldn’t we, too, think about how we “flap our lips” when speaking? As my dad used to say, “Make sure your brain is engaged before putting your mouth in gear.” For years (more than likely), you watched your abuser berate you with words. You know the effects of that so it’s even more important to not let that abusive behavior control you, too.

This excerpt is taken from the end of the book after readers have gone through each of the chapters and found situations of abuse from their own relationships. These pointers are meant to be helpful when processing through the abuse.

Watch your words. This may sound very crazy and you’re probably wondering why I’m evening mentioning it. Although I don’t have the details at the tip of my tongue or brain, I’ve been paying attention to some research studies that show when people say positive stuff, their bodies (at the cellular level) have a positive physical reaction that can be seen under a microscope.

You’ve heard of people who are negative all the time? Think about their lives. Most are sick, depressed, have nothing to live for, and don’t physically look well. Again, I think some research studies are showing the physical effects that words have on our bodies.

With that, we are all human and will be negative. It’s when you continually dwell on and speak out those negative things that it eventually takes over your thoughts. This doesn’t seem very productive for someone who wants to “overcome” an abusive relationship.

Get this book on Amazon.com format by CLICKING HERE.

But Words Will Never Hurt Me: Workbook

About the Author Del Hungerford

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