Helpful Links
on Verbal, Emotional, and Spiritual Abuse
in Relationships.

This section includes:
in Relationships.

- General Web sites
- Web Sites of Various Religious Organizations and Individuals
- Further Reading: information leading to available books on verbal and emotional abuse
- Books on verbal abuse (throughout this entire section)
General Web Sites:
A.A.R.D.V.A.R.C. (An Abuse, Rape, Domestic Violence, Aid and Resource Collection) is an amazing collection of information to aid with those suffering abuse of any kind.
Lundy Bancroft is “an author, workshop leader, and activist on trauma, abuse, and healing. He offers dramatically new ways to understand the emotional injuries we suffer, their lasting effects, and how best to get ourselves free.” His web site offers various services, in addition to books he has available on abuse.
Philip W. Cook is the author of a book titled “Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence,” and can be purchased through His website is devoted to men who have suffered abuse at the hands of women. Much information is provided from the male perspective. is a site devoted to helping victims of all forms of domestic violence. It's a safe place where those abused have 24-hour help as needed. Much information is available from this organization, including various resources, many of which are included on this site.
Beverly Engel, M.F.C.C. is a psychotherapist with over 25 years experience in dealing with women’s issues. She is an active counselor and has written several books dealing with abusive relationships. Her book "The Emotionally Abused Woman: Overcoming Destructive Patterns and Reclaiming Yourself" is a great resource and has recently been updated. Her web site includes quizzes along with providing additional information on how to get help. Several of her books are also listed on her site
The Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence "is a leading force in the fight against domestic violence. It is the only national organization of its kind founded by business leaders and focused on the workplace. Since 1995, the Alliance has brought together dozens of progressive companies who exchange information, collaborate on projects, and use their influence to instigate change." Their web site is located at They may be e-mailed at
Patricia Evans is probably the most well-known author on verbal abuse. She’s written several books and has been in the news quite frequently for her groundbreaking efforts in bringing verbal abuse to the forefront in our current society. Go to her web site for books and additional information. Her best selling book, "The Verbally Abusive Relationship" is a major guide to learning about how a verbally abusive relationship can be identified and then corrected, if at all possible.
Susan Forward, Ph.D. has also written several books on abusive relationships. She holds a Ph.D. in psychology, is an active counselor, and regularly appears on talk shows, writes articles for the media, and has even appeared on various news shows. Her web site lists her books. "Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them" has been a best seller.
Heart 2 Heart is a support network and self-help data base for abused women. This particular link from that site describes the cycle of abuse. Follow additional links for interactives, an e-book and more. There's even a section for abused men.
Help for Abused and Battered Women is an article by the non-profit organization that provides additional information on how to get out of an abusive relationship and what to do through the process. Click here for the article.
Dr. Gregory L. Jantz (with Ann McMurry) wrote a book titled “Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse.” It was published by Fleming H. Revell in 2003. This is the revised version. Dr. Jantz is the director of the Center for Counseling and Health Resources. Go to his web site for further information and assistance.
Grace Ketterman, M.D. is a psychiatrist in Kansas City, Missouri. She has worked with families for several years and written a book on abuse. "Verbal Abuse: Healing the Hidden Wound" A detailed description of the book can be found at there's a link to purchase it from Amazon. The book does a wonderful job of walking women through the emotional trauma suffered at the hands of an abuser, and how to work through healing. The website for her pyschiatry practice is
Jeanne King, Ph.D. has a web site devoted to intimate partner abuse. You can purchase her “Intimate Partner Abuse Screen®” from her web site The screen is designed to help “recognize domestic abuse when it lives in their lives.”
Leaving Abuse is a very helpful website for those in abusive relationships. It's one woman's account or her experiences. She, too, has included lots of valuable resources for those seeking more information on abuse.
Dr. Irene Matiatos has a web site devoted to verbal abuse. She has several links to books; she gives advice, allows the reader to request help, and provides lots of tidbits about verbal abuse. Her site is located at
Lynn Meville is a counselor who deals with BPD. Many abusers suffer from this disorder and Lynn's goal is to find ways to help them. She's written the book "Breaking Free from Boomerang Love: Getting Unhooked from Borderline Personality Disorder Relationships." The book is available on her web site. She provides many resources for those in a relationship with someone who suffers from BPD. Her web site is:
National Domestic Violence Hotline. 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or check their web site at: This site provides many resources for victims of all kinds of domestic violence. If your situation involves children, or if those involved are at risk, this is the place you need to call first. You will be directed to someone locally who can help you.
Natural Health Techniques is run by Dr. Denice Moffat who is a naturopathic physician. She can help people working through emotional and physical issues get back on track. Since verbal, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse take their toll on the body, becoming healthy is important in the healing process. To learn more, check out her website:
Steven Stosny, Ph.D is the founder of "Compassionpower." His web site is devoted to reducing anger, violence, and resentment. There are many helpful links and resources for those who are suffering in an emotionally abusive relationship. Dr. Stosny's goal is to provide programs that promote emotional intelligence and self empowerment. His web site is:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has a web site specifically devoted to verbal and emotional abuse.
Noreen J. Wedman has an online toolkit for those suffering in verbally abusive relationships. Her web site provides information for the verbally abused person. You may also purchase her workbook “Toolkit for Healing from Verbally Abusive Relationships” through PayPal on her web site.
Susan Weitzman, Ph.D., a psychotherapist, specializes in abuse in “upscale marriages.” Her web site provides information and methods of help to those suffering abuse in an upscale marriage. Her book “Not To People Like Us: Hidden Abuse in Upscale Marriages” is available for purchase at

God's Word to Women: Although this site isn't specifically devoted to abuse, there's a section for women who've suffered at the hands of an abuser. What makes this site interesting and helpful, is that the women who sponsor this site believe in the fullness of what God has for women. The book "God's Word to Women" by Katharine Bushnell, is available from the web site. Bushnell was a proactive Christian woman in the early 1900's that believed women had equality to men in scripture. The following note about her book explains: "Bushnell left medicine to do what she considered the more important work of reforming conditions of human degradation through leadership in the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) of the 19th century women’s movement. The scriptural status of women was of intense concern to Bushnell who came to believe that mistranslations were responsible for the social and spiritual subjugation of women. She left the WCTU in 1896 to spend her remaining years writing and sharing the biblical truth of God’s original and unchanging intent of full equality for women." To learn more about Bushnell and the God's Word to Women Ministry, go to
Theresa and Jeff Hurlbert are with Somebody Cares Ministries at Theresa is a fabulous flautist! Her CD's are played to sick people (physically as well as emotionally). Theresa's goal is to "minister" through her music. Through some of the testimonials, people dealing with emotional stress, have found great relief by listening to her music. It has been scientifically proven that "music soothes the soul." If you appreciate music that will minister to your emotions, check her web site to purchase her CD's.
Margaret J. Rinck, Ed.D., is a psychologist at Family Success Consortium in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her recent work is with abused women and children, and she desires to help men who are abusive break out of their abusive cycle. Her book “Christian Men Who Hate Women” was published by Zondervan in 1990, and is available through The book is geared mostly toward evangelical and fundamentalist Christians “who deny or excuse abuse of women and children through the guise of ‘biblical principles’ of submission.” Her website provides further assistance.
RAVE: "RAVE is an initiative that seeks to bring knowledge and social action together to assist families of faith impacted by abuse. There is no place like home; when abuse strikes, there is no home." They are located at the University of New Brunswick and have a full staff of qualified counselors and professors able to work with victims of domestic violence. RAVE may be contacted through e-mail at: Their web site is located at:
John and Paula Sandford are in charge of Elijah House Ministries. They have written several books on dealing with emotional issues and provide excellent counseling services for Christians. The counselors are well trained and provide follow-up assistance as needed. See their web site at

Further reading:
- Albert Ellis and Marcia Grad Powers wrote"The Secret of Overcoming Verbal Abuse: Getting Off the Emotional Roller Coaster and Regaining Control of Your Life." According to the reviews, this book can be taken the wrong way. Some reviewers believe it would be best for the victim to have some counseling before reading it. Fresh out of a relationship, a victim could possibly see the authors sympathizing with the abuser. The book is considered a great resource and can be purchased at
- Meg Kennedy Dugan and Roger R. Hock wrote "It's My Life Now: Starting Over After an Abusive Relationship or Domestic Violence." (second edition). According to the reviews, this book is better to read after some counseling has already begun. According to the reviews, this book is better to read AFTER leaving an abusive relationship. It can be purchased at
- Marie-France Hirogyen wrote"Stalking the Soul: Emotional Abuse and the Erosion of Identity." This book has rave reviews and was given the "five star" rating from the top several reviewers. It can be purchased at
- Marti Tamm Loring, Ph.D. wrote a book titled “Emotional Abuse: The Trauma and The Treatment” in 1998. It can be purchased at The reviews of the book are good with readers saying she describes “both overt and covert abuse and makes crucial linkages to other abuse.” The book has several intervention strategies for counselors.
- Mary Susan Miller, Ph.D. is another author who wrote about verbal and emotional abuse. Although she doesn’t have a personal web site, her book “No Visible Wounds” can be found on most on-line book stores, including The book walks the reader through the progression of emotional and verbal abuse. How and why does it happen? She answers all these questions and then gives valuable advice on how work through the after-affects.
- Paula Wilcox wrote a book titled "Surviving Doemstic Violence: Gender, Poverty and Agency" and is available at This book follows a group of women on their journeys through and away from abusive relationships. It examines gendered support issues with social dimensions such as family, housing, and children. The book is rather expensive and appears in only a hardcover edition.

Do you have additional resources? If so, we want to know about them. Be sure to send the appropriate link and your experiences with those involved.